Fire Board Information and Minutes

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Basil Joint Fire District Fire Board Information, Meeting Agenda's and Meeting Minutes

The Basil Joint Fire Board meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.  Meeting are held at Station 610 - 410 Washington Street Baltimore, Ohio 43105.  If you plan on attending a meeting please enter through the east door from the lower parking lot at the station.

Included here are the monthly meeting agenda and minutes.  These documents are public record and a summary of actions and discussion of our Fire Board meetings.  We encourage anyone with questions of actions, discussion or decisions by the Fire Board to contact the Fire District Administration to discuss your questions, concerns or issues.

Our Current Fire Board Members are: (As of 1/1/25)

Don Keller - Liberty Township Trustee Representative

Tony Traster - Liberty Township Citizen Representative (appointed by the Liberty Township Trustee's)

Wade Cosgray - Village of Baltimore Council Representative

Fred Reedy - Village of Baltimore Citizen Representative (appointed by the Village of Baltimore Mayor)

Randy DiFrischia - Representative at Large (from the Village or Township) - Appointed by the Fire Board.

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